My room is set up mainly for mixing but also for recording vocals, acoustic and electric instruments and keyboards. When recording a live band/drums, I'll usually book into Whitewood Studios or Faktory Studios both of which are local and have a great vibe, experienced and helpful engineers and arent too expensive. Pro Tools sessions recorded there are easily transferable and they both have a wealth of excellent equipment for recording and for the final mixdown if budget allows.
iMacs running Pro Tools with Digidesign 003 Factory
Universal Audio 6176, Neve 1073SPX, Anamod 660
RND 542 & 551, Bereich03 Density, 2A-KT, EQP-KT
UAD-2 Quad Core with loads of UAD plug Ins
Alesis Quadraverb, Alesis 3630 Compressor
Quad 306 Amplifier with JBL L-20T Monitors
2 x Technics 1210s and Vestax PCV275 Mixer
AKAI S950 Sampler, Casio CZ-1000
Martin, Fender & Cordoba Acoustic Guitars
Gibson Les Paul Gold Top Guitar
Fender Telecaster American Deluxe Guitar
Gold Tone Lap Steel Guitar
Rickenbacker 4003 stereo Bass
Vox AC--30-VR Amplifier
Various mics and stands
My Ears